Wednesday, July 11, 2012


We are packed and ready to depart tomorrow.  While time seems to by flying it is hard to believe tomorrow is actually the day we leave.  We have felt extremely supported.  It was wonderful to be at church this past Sunday and have so many wish us well, safe travels, thank us for going and most of all pray for us while we are away.  As we packed items Monday night we reflected on how comforting this was and how humbled and surprised we were by the many "thank you for going" comments. 

We are thankful to be part of a church committed to mission and outreach as well as being thankful for the many members who have led us and set positive examples of how to live out your faith in the world.  We are also thankful for the prayers and support from our friends and family along with many Presbyterians we have met in the planning process through the Malawi Network who are all across the globe.

Did you know 2012 is the year that the PC(USA) church celebrates 175 years in world mission?  Where we are going is similar to what has happened in many parts of the world where mission has planted churches, started schools and built hospitals.  Embangweni is a great example of how the seeds were planted by missionaries and now are sustained by the people there.  We go to work in partnership.  Jodi McGill and the Chief Medical Officer of the Embangweni Hospital have helped us coordinate getting Kim and Trey Dubose registered to practice medicine in Malawi, the Head of Station has helped coordinate the children who will come to bible school, the Headmaster of the Deaf School has coordinated the chalk boards we will paint, and we will stay at the Guest Station which Jim McGill helped build.  We also will visit one of the health centers that Westminster helped build in the outlying area around Embangweni, called Kalikumbi.

We look forward to arriving and sharing updates from our trip.  So while it feels new to us, we go knowing that so many have already gone before following Christ's Great Commission to make disciples of all nations and His Great Commandment to love God and neighbor.

1 comment:

  1. Dearest Susan and Ellis my prayers and love go with you and I too am thankful that you are making this trip to share and receive the blessings I am sure you give and receive. May the Peace of Lord be with you. Lois Ray
